- Dive within your own limits. It´s not only about what your certified to do, but also in your own personal physical/psychological limits, experience in dives, and skill confort underwater;
- Most diving accidents happen by poor judgment. Good judgment comes from training, continued education, and experience. Experience comes from dealing with different scenarios and situations, and reflected practice;
- Always be conservative as possible in the decisions you make. Put safety above fun ( but never forget to enjoy the dives );
- Prefere diving with support from local dive centers or a dive pro – they provide the tools that the diver needs to manage it´s own risk, such as :
- knowledge about local diving conditions;
- a general dive plan for the spot;
- logitics as equipment, transportation, food and hidration;
- complience for local law regarding diving;
- emergency plans and equipment.
- Keep a good physical and mental form, or at least adpot healthier habits. Don´t dive ill or tired – there is no fun in doing so;
- Dive with well maintained equipment, it´s your life support when your under there. You can replace equiment, but no your life;
- If you feel something is not right during a dive, stop what your doing, take long and slow breaths. When your more calm, find the source of the problem, think of an solution and then make act on it. If you can´t find what´s wrong, keep calm and signal your buddy or dive guide. Any diver can abort, or end a dive at any time;
- Take time during some dives to practice a skill. Make sure you tell your intentions to the dive guide or buddy as they can help you. Remember, practice makes perfection;
- Get dive insurance, they are relatively cheap and come in handy if something goes south of the border. This is even more important if someone dives abroad;
- Take the rescue diver course. It will change the way you dive.
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